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Secure Your Legacy Today!

Do you have a will in place, or are you interested in creating a trust? Work with one of our team members at Radius Wealth Management and get 10% off your plan. 

WHY WORK WITH US? Our team can guide you through the process of  successfully setting up the plan that works best for you and your family.  

See below for Plan Descriptions* 

  • Will-Based Plan: Starts at $199 for individuals. This includes a Last Will and Testament, HIPAA Authorization, and Living Will, with options to add a Power of Attorney for an additional fee. For couples, pricing typically scales accordingly (exact couple pricing isn’t explicitly detailed but is implied to be higher).
  • Trust-Based Plan: Starts at $599 for individuals. This includes a Revocable Living Trust, Pour-Over Will, HIPAA Authorization, Living Will, and Power of Attorney. Again, couple pricing would be higher but isn’t specified in exact terms in the available data.
  • Guardianship Plan: Priced at $159, designed for nominating guardians for minor children, including Temporary Guardianship options.

* Pricing varies depending on needs. 

Use the form to your right to get started today!